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Q: How did some urban housing reforms of the late nineteenth century eventually add to urban blight?
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Which religious reforms resulted in social reforms in the mid-nineteenth century?

Second Great Awakening

Which religious movements reforms resulted in social reforms in the mid nineteenth century?

Second Great Awakening

Which religious movement reforms resulted in social reforms in the mid-nineteenth century?

Second Great Awakening

What caused many of the reforms of the early nineteen century to take place?

Many of the reforms of the early nineteenth century were prompted by the desire to address social injustices, economic inequality, and political instability. Influential factors included the French Revolution, Enlightenment ideas, industrialization, and the rise of nationalism, which all contributed to a push for political and social change. Additionally, pressure from social movements, uprisings, and intellectual currents helped to shape the reforms of this period.

What following sets of people were muckrakers at the end of the nineteenth century?

Some notable muckrakers at the end of the nineteenth century included journalists like Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, and Upton Sinclair. They exposed corruption and societal injustices through their investigative reporting, sparking public awareness and contributing to the Progressive Era reforms.

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Nineteenth Amenment, 1920 & Voting Rights Act, 1965

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Benito Juarez

What consequences did Alexander's reforms have on Russia?

They all backfired and got him into a bigger mess and eventually Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 so all political and social reforms grounded to a halt.

What was the nature of the 18th century reforms in the Portuguese and Spanish colonies?

The 18th century reforms in portugese and spanish colonies were similar in the creation of more viceroyalties for better defense and administration, lessening of the Catholic church's influence in political decisions and the removal of Creoles from administrative positions

Which trend caused progressives to work for the urban reforms in the late 19th century?

The rapid growth of cities.

Who was the leader who made political reforms in Athens?

There were many - the most significant were:7th Century BCE - Dracon6th Century BCE - Solon, Peisistratus, Cleisthenes5th Century BCE - Ephialtes, Pericles

During the 18th century the ideas of the Enlightenment caused .?

During the 18th century the ideas of the enlightenment caused some monarchs to introduce reforms within their nations.