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Sorry I do not know honestly .... Hehehe

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Q: How did southerners defend the institution of slavery?
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Why did southerners who owed no slaves defend slavery?

It was part of the economy and culture of the south

Why in 1860 did white southerners remain committed to the institution of slavery and its expansion?

The plantation needed a source of inexpensive labor.

Why did the states sounth of Pennsylvania cling to the institution of slavery?

The plantation system of the south had been built on slavery, in many Southerners feared that their economy couldn't survive without it.

Wealthy white southerners used religion to justify the institution of slavery by arguing that?

by arguing that some people were created to rule others.

How did the southerners feel about the future of slavery in the US?

The Southerners did not feel good about the future of slavery

How did slavery influenced sectionalism?

Northerners became more opposed to slavery on moral grounds and for financial reasons, and Southerners defended it more and more as an institution, in large part because their economy was almost fully dependent on slavery.

What were the variety of arguments used by southerners to defend the institution of slavery in the pre-civil War era?

It was the mainstay of the cotton industry, which accounted for half the exports of the USA. Many Southern leaders maintained that slavery must either expand or die. As the debate heated up dangerously through the 1850's, church ministers were pressured into declaring slavery to be a perfect God-given arrangement of man and master.

How did northerners and southerners view slavery?

Some northerners believed slavery was morally wrong. Southerners believed slavery was an essential part of their lives.

Why did southerners refuse to put Lincoln on the ballot?

The southerners were for slavery, but Lincoln was not. Lincoln would try to abolish slavery.

Did southerners and northerners agree on slavery?


What did southerners call slavery?


How did Southern slave owners defend slavery?

Southern slave owners defended slavery, by stating that slavery had existed throughout history and was the natural state of mankind. Defenders of slavery argued that the institution was divine, and a good thing for the enslaved. They also noted that in the Bible, Abraham had slaves.