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Because of 2 chanz John Cena Beonce and eve

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Q: How did sugar planters go outside the law to get control of Hawaii?
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How did American sugar planters go outside the law to gain control over Hawaii?

They gained their power under the "Bayonet Constitution"of 1887.

What was the argument of those who were in favor of annexing Hawaii into the US?

the sugar planters

What action led weathly planters in Hawaii to fear?

the imposition of a new u.s. tariff on Hawaiian sugar

What role did the sugar play in the desire of many Americans to control Hawaii?

Sugar played a large role in the American's desire to control Hawaii, because Hawaii was a major supplier of sugar cane.

What was the sugar plantation owners motivation in overthrowing Queen Liliuokalani?

American sugar planters overthrew Queen Liliuokalani because they wanted to be able to exploit Hawaiian natives and control the plantations better. Liliuokalani was Hawaii's last monarch.

How did hawaiian sugar planters plan to avoid the tariff when it was reinstated in the early 1890s?

They decided to make Hawaii a territory of the United States.

How did Hawaiian sugar planters plan to avoid the tariffs when it was reinstated in the early 1890's?

The planned to have Hawaii annexed to the United States to get around the import tariff on foreign sugar.

How did Hawaiian sugar planters plan to avoid the tariff when it was reinstated in the early 1890's?

The planned to have Hawaii annexed to the United States to get around the import tariff on foreign sugar.

What action led wealthy planters in Hawaii to fear that their sales and profits would decrease?

the imposition of a new U.S tariff on Hawaiian sugar.

What action led wealthy planters to Hawaii to fear that their sales and profits would decrease?

the imposition of a new U.S tariff on Hawaiian sugar.

What action led wealthy planters in Hawaii to fear their sales profits would decrease?

the imposition of a new u.s. tarriff on hawaiian sugar

What action led wealthy planters in Hawaii to fear that sales and profits would decrease?

the imposition of a new U.S tariff on Hawaiian sugar.