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Suleiman personally led Ottoman armies to conquer the Christian strongholds of Belgrade, Rhodes, and most of Hungary before his conquests were checked at the Siege of Vienna in 1529.

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Q: How did suleiman govern the Ottoman Empire?
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How did suleiman's legal code help sultans rule the Ottoman Empire?

from my perspective I think that the reason that Suleiman's legal code helped sultans rule the ottoman empire because they made a code that would effectively govern the vast and expanding empire

Who was the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire?

The tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire was Suleiman I.

Who was the twentieth sultan of the Ottoman Empire?

The twentieth sultan of the Ottoman Empire was Suleiman II.

Who was the best leader from the ottoman empire?

the leader is Suleiman

Who was the great leader of Ottoman's empire?

Suleiman the first

Who is the tenth Turkish Ottoman sultan?

Suleiman the Magnificent was the 10th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Why was suleiman a popular sultan?

As long as Suleiman ruled the Ottoman Empire it was the richest and most powerful empire in Europe and Southwest Asia.

Why was Suleiman I a popular sultan?

As long as Suleiman ruled the Ottoman Empire it was the richest and most powerful empire in Europe and Southwest asia.

Who was the greatist leader of the Ottoman empire?

The greatest leader of the Ottoman Empire was probably Suleiman the Magnificent. During his rule in the 16th and 17th Centuries, the Ottoman Empire grew to become a formidable world power.

Who was the ruler of the Ottoman Empire during its Golden Age?

Suleiman the Magnificent ruled the Ottoman Empire during its Golden Age.

How far did Suleiman's empire stretch?

790,000 square miles ----------- There is a link to a map of the Ottoman Empire in 1566, when Suleiman the Magnificent died, below.

What religion did Suleiman practice?

Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire was a Sunni Muslim of the Hanafi School.