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I have no idea what any of those words you mentioned even mean... Sorry

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Q: How did superior weaponry aided the ottoman siege of Constantinople?
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How superior weaponry aided the ottoman siege of constantinople?

I have no idea what any of those words you mentioned even mean... Sorry

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What aided Cortes the most in his conquest of the Aztecs?

Superior weapons, and his military trained men.

What factors enable the spanish to defeat the Aztecs?

The Spanish had superior weaponry to the Aztecs, and were aided by rival tribes who resented Aztec rule. The primary reason may have been the effect of the diseases spread to the Aztecs by the Spanish. Lacking any immunity to these diseases, many of the Aztecs became seriously ill or died.

Who gave the Spanish an advantage over the Native American?

The Spanish had superior weaponry to the Aztecs, and were aided by rival tribes who resented Aztec rule. The primary reason may have been the effect of the diseases spread to the Aztecs by the Spanish. Lacking any immunity to these diseases, many of the Aztecs became seriously ill or died.

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The U.S. indirectly aided Afghan rebels against Soviet Invasion by supplying weaponry and supplies. The U.S. didn't send troops because it wanted to avoid a full scale war with the Soviet Union.

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Though the neanderthal had lack of intelligence, he had superior strength. You can see this in there skeletal structure. Their upper body strength surpassed our own. Which could have aided in there hunting.

What can CAD stand for?

Computer Aided Design or Drafting (Draughting in the UK)


CAD Stands for computer-aided design and drafting.

Who helped Britain in the crimean war?

France and the Ottoman Empire helped Britain during the Crimean War. France provided significant military support, and the Ottoman Empire, although it was one of the primary targets of the war, also aided Britain by allowing the use of their territory and providing troops.

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he was aided by goddess Athena