

How did the Arabs and Israelis solve their conflict?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Answer 1

The problem is unsolved.

Israel accepted the Palestinian Authority, but the Arabs want all of Israel. Whenever Arabs accept the Israelis as true neighbours in their hearts, the conflict may end. I say this as most disturbances are funded by PLO side not Israel.

Answer 2

Both sides have some realistic demands and some unrealistic demands. When leaders can sit down and have an honest conversation to their people. Negotiations and solutions require that each party to the dispute face a certain and repulsive truth, which is that they will have to sacrifice some of their wants for their needs. There are large contingents on both sides that want everything on their wishlist or nothing at all and the leadership on both sides has either actively encouraged this idea or said nothing to abate it. The reason is that telling people unpopular truths does not result in people liking the politician, but bellicose words can definitely improve ratings.

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