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They dominated the lives of the medieval people cause they wanted Pizza pops and Coca-Cola. The reason why they killed is for kraft dinner also they killed for the D

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Q: How did the Catholic Church dominate the lives of medieval people?
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Who were the people in power in the medieval church?

The church was Catholic so it was the Pope and the priests.

What went wrong with the Medieval Roman Catholic Church?

People who were not Catholic took over.

How many people were members of the catholic church in the medieval times?

there were 2 million and 500 catholics

Explain how the catholic Church dominated the lives of medieval people?

The Catholic Church dominated the lives of medieval people by telling them when they should work, what religious traditions they should follow, and what punishments they should get if any laws were broken. It was even more powerful than the king or queen.

What did medieval Catholic Church say to people?

The same thing they have said in all ages: Repent and believe in the Gospel!

How did medieval church involve other people?

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church played a central role in social and political life. It was also responsible for education.

What do you mean by the Medieval Church?

The term Medieval Church could be construed to apply to the Christian religion. It could also apply to a church organization dominating a given area. So the Church of Rome dominated the Roman Empire of the fifth century, The Eastern Orthodox dominated the eastern parts of Christian Europe after the Great Schism of 1054, just as the Roman Catholic Church dominate the West, and each of these might be referred to as the Church in those areas.

What group of people were in charge during the medieval inquisition?

The Inquisition was controlled by the Roman Catholic Church- there was both a Roman Inquisition, and a Spanish Variant.

What heresy was in the church in the medieval period?

The Catholic Church faced several heresies during the medieval period, including Hussitism. This heresy regarded the scriptures as being more important than church leadership, and also regarded ordinary people as being able to interpret scripture without Church help.

How did the Church shape Medieval life?

- People when to church every Sunday and were awoken by the church bells every morning- Had to pray every night- The only way they believed they could get into heaven was if the Catholic Church let them, so they always went to church- Payed tithes

Was the medieval church important to people?


How was the church affected by the medieval merchant?

It was the other way around. The merchant was affected by the church. The Catholic Church had control over the whole society as well as the monarchy. It told people what to do and set rules for society. Science was disallowed and considered wrong.