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Q: How did the Clergy and the Laity help strangthen Christianity?
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What is distinctive about classic Christianity?

It is a book that is a compilation of three books, "The Living God", "The Word of Life", and "Life in the Spirit". It is aimed at any Christian, Clergy or Layman, to help with the full and complete understanding of Christianity.

What is the role for the laity?

They help to fight global poverty around the world

Why did kings depend on the clergy to help them govern?

Kings depended on the clergy to help them govern for various reasons. The main reason is that they believed that clergy were inspired by a supernatural being who would help in decision making.

Why was clergy so important in the lives of the medieval people?

The clergy could administer the sacraments, so everyone who hoped to gain salvation depended on clergy to help them.

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potang ina mo

What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

Monks help spread Christianity across Europe.

What European leaders help Christianity?

Kings and Monasteries helped to spread Christianity.


Rabbis are teachers and clergy people.

What did monks of the Zagwe help do?

spread Christianity

Why did the clergy have a key role in attaining salvation for the common people?

the clergy had a key role in attaining salvation for the common people because the clergy were the only part of the church that could give the 7 sacraments, such as baptism and the lords supper. These were ways that people could gain God's grace.

How did Jesus Christ help form Christianity?

If Jesus Christ had not died on the cross or not have been resurrected there would be no Christianity. Jesus Christ is Christianity. Christ ---ianity.

What did Diocletian and Constantine do to try to help Rome?

he legalized Christianity in Rome, but did not make Rome officially a Christianity state