

How did the Cook Islands develop?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The Cook Islands are believed to have formed from volcanic material escaping from a southwest to northeast-running fracture in the Earth's crust, forming the fifteen or so islands and atolls which have a total land area of 240 square kilometres. Some uplift has occurred over time, but the islands are generally quite low. The islands are named after Captain Cook who first sighted them in 1770. They became a British protectorate at their own request in 1888, then were transferred to New Zealand on 11 June 1901. They remained a New Zealand protectorate until 1965, after which they became a self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand. Today, the Cook Islands are essentially independent, but are still officially placed under New Zealand sovereignty. New Zealand oversees the country's foreign relations and defence, but may not impose legislation on the Cook Islands without the latter's consent. The Cook Islands are one of three New Zealand dependencies, along with Tokelau and Niue.

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