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It claimed that slavery was legal in every state of the Union, if the Constitution was interpreted in a certain way.

This delighted the South, as much as it angered Northern Abolitionists, and raised the temperature of the whole slavery debate nationwide.

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Q: How did the Dred Sctt v Sanford decision affect the slavery debate?
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What were two events that fueled the debate over slavery between 1846 and 1850?

The admission of new states to the union and Dred Scott decision fueled the ongoing debate over slavery. (I got this off of

What major events were going on when Lincoln was president?

A decision on slavery and a debate on states rights versus federal rights.

What was the implication of the supreme courts decision in Dred Scott v. sanford?

the dred scott case was a major turning point in the debate of slavery. this case made it known that slavery was protected under the constiton. slaves were considered property and in the bill of rights, property could not be taken away without a warrant. the dred scott cause let all americans know that the law staed that slaves were not humans, not citizens, did not have rights, and were property. in my opinion, this is when he debate on slavery became so serious in not be fixed with another comprimise.

What was the implication of the supreme court decision in dred Scott v. sanford?

the dred scott case was a major turning point in the debate of slavery. this case made it known that slavery was protected under the constiton. slaves were considered property and in the bill of rights, property could not be taken away without a warrant. the dred scott cause let all americans know that the law staed that slaves were not humans, not citizens, did not have rights, and were property. in my opinion, this is when he debate on slavery became so serious in not be fixed with another comprimise.

How did the ruling on the Dred Scott case affect the slavery debate?

The Dred Scott decision ruled that slaves were not citizens of the United states. Instead, they were the property of their masters. Therefore, a slave owner was within his rights to take a slave with him, even to free states.

How did the second great awakening affect the debate over slavery?

It led church members to become more active in government

How did Fort Sumter Affect us tyoday?

Because it turned the slavery debate into an actual shooting war that lasted four years.

Who did Lincoln debate slavery?

Stephen A. Douglas

What did the Scott vs Sanford case affect?

It raised the debate to a new pitch when the Supreme Court declared that slavery was protected by the Constitution. This apparently meant that the new territories would not be able to vote to enter the Union as free soil. It delighted the South but horrified the North, especially the Abolitionists who were gaining influence in Congress. And it drowned out the moderate voices. It was a big step towards war.

What was the focus of the national debate on slavery in the US in the mid 1800's?

For the most part, the national debate on slavery was not whether to abolish it. Most Americans, especially in the North, did not want slavery to spread to the western frontiers.

The main topic of the linclon and Douglas debate was?


Who began the debate to stop slavery?

William Wilberforce