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The French Revolution sent shock waves through the European monarchy. It left them all wondering who would be the next to be depose in a revolution.

Many people around the world were affected by the french revolution not just England. It changed the way that people thought about being run by a monarchy or a royal family. People started to realise that this was not the way that many countries should have been run and wanted a change. The main reason Australia is a democracy today was because of the french revolution and fight against the monarchy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It marks the beginning of the French Revolution and provided the rebels with arms and ammunition.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It marks for history the beginning moment of the French Revolution.

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Q: How did the storming of the Bastille effect the French Revolution?
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What effect did the Age of Reason and the American Revolution have on the French?

Omg ehy dont u know

How did the American Revolution affect people in modern day culture?

The American Revolution has a definite effect on people in modern day culture. Specifically, the United States might not exist today if not for the Revolution. Furthermore, the American Revolution was what inspired the French to revolt. If the American Revolution hadn't happened, there would be repercussions worldwide today.

American Revolution effect on other countries?

um... If you mean "what effects did the American Revolution have on other nations", then the answer would be What effect DIDN'T the American Revolution have on other nations? England lost one of their greatest colonies, the French colonists gained enough courage and allies to have their own Revolution, America was born, allowing everything America has done to come to pass. It allowed the Civil War to happen, it greatly changed the outcome of WWI and WWII, and allowed us to explore the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, allowing us to form a Manifest Destiny, it allowed Canada and Mexico to become their own independent nations... I could go on, but I don't think I have to... This question was utterly pointless.

What effect did the French alliance have on the outcome of the Revolutionary War?

The Colonists got money and weapons from the French. Also, the French distracted the British by attacking them elsewhere in the world. And, the French Navy helped to cut off the British at Yorktown, Virginia, enabling the Colonists to defeat them and bring the Revolution to a close. Unfortunately for French King Louis the XVI, supporting the Colonials was very expensive, and it inspired his own people to have a Revolution against him, which led to his death, as well as the deaths of many other French people.

Who controlled the slaves during the American Revolution?

Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.

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What important law cause into effect soon after the storming of Bastille in france?

After storming the bastille .................there were two laws which came into force .......... 1.abolition of slavery in 1789 summer 2.abolition of fuedal system on 4th august 1789 .....

Was the French Revolution an effect of the Industrial Revolution?

No. The French Revolution was not an effect of the industrial revolution. The French revolution occurred due to the anger of the masses against the despotic rule of the monarchs in France.

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Were there boats in the French Revolution?

Boats existed long before the French revolution and long before France, but the French revolution was not about boats, and boats didn't have any effect on it.

How did the French Revolution effect the king?

It ended his reign.

Which revolution had a long lasting effect french or haitian?

Each had their own significance. On a world terms the French revolution had a greater impact.

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What is the one effect of the french revolution?

Nationalistic feelings were stimulated.

How did the French Revolution affect the Indians?

Did you mean the French and Indian War? The French Revolution had no effect on American Indians

What factors contributed to the French Revolution What effect did the revolution have on the system of government in France?

ask ms hamilton

One political effect of the French Revolution?

The end of the absolute monarchy.

What effect does the french revolution have on us today?

The french revolution influence us to make people know about liberty,equality and fraternity.