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Q: How did the French explorers get along with the various first nations peoples How important was it for the French to have a good relationship with the Huron?
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How long did the age of Discovery affect native peoples in newly discovered lands?

the native peoples were often enslaved by the conquering nations. APEXX

What where the conflicts between the Iroquois and the Europeans?

The first contact with the Europeans was disastrous for the first peoples. Explorers and traders brought European diseases, such as smallpox, which killed off entire villages. Relations varied between the settlers and the Natives. The French befriended several Algonquin nations, the Huron (Wyandot) people and nations of the Wabanaki Confederacy, and entered into a mutually beneficial trading relationship with them. The Iroquois, however, became dedicated opponents of the French, as they had been of their Huron neighbours, and warfare between the two was unrelenting, especially as the British armed the Iroquois in an effort to weaken the French.

What was the religious justification for the explorers to steal from the native Americans?

Some explorers justified stealing from Native Americans on religious grounds by believing that they had a divine right or mission from God to conquer and convert non-Christian peoples. This ideology, known as the "Doctrine of Discovery," asserted that European Christians had the right to claim and possess lands already inhabited by Indigenous peoples. However, it is important to recognize that not all explorers subscribed to this belief, and many Indigenous cultures had their own religious and spiritual practices that were disregarded or replaced by the colonizers.

What is the difference between the first nation and the England?

In Canada the First Nations are the peoples who were here before the arrival of the Europeans, including the English, except for some related peoples, the Inuit and the Métis. The Inuit (not First Nations) are the peoples who have been called 'Eskimos' who traditionally lived in the northernmost regions of Canada. The Métis are the peoples of mixed European and First Nations blood. In Canada, England is not considered a 'first nation'. It is the country from which some of the early colonists came after European discovery of the North American continent.

If Scotland goes independent Will Scotland and Ireland form a Buddie relationship?

It is likely that the Scottish and Irish governments will have similar interests as they will be similar sized nations in Europe. The two peoples of Scotland and Ireland are closely linked and are largely the same people.I'm not sure what kind of 'buddie' relationship you refer to though. I would not expect them to act as one entity.

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How important is national identity to First Nations peoples?

Very important

What determined the kinds of relationships that European explorers formed with conquered peoples?

The kinds of relationships that European explorers formed with conquered peoples were primarily determined by the goals of the explorers and the perceived value of the conquered peoples - whether as allies, subjects for exploitation, or obstacles to be overcome. Factors like cultural differences, technological superiority, and military strategies also played a role in shaping these relationships.

What were the effects of the explorers explorations on the native peoples already in the region?

they moved

How did the french try to strengthen their positions against the British in their relationship with the first nations peoples?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

How did the French try to strengthen their position against the British in their relationship with the First Nations peoples?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

Why did the early explorers first come to the Atlantic?

To fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.

Why was setting setting nations western border important economically to the new country?

It gave us a European sanction to conquer lands held by the aboriginal peoples .

What does Abraham mean about the people?

The father of many peoples or nations.

What are native peoples of Canada called?

First Nations or natives.

What is the relationship like with the native peoples?

Which native people?

How did the age of discovery affect peoples in newly discovered lands?

the native peoples were often enslaved by the conquering nations. APEXX

Who allowed explorers to make slaves of native peoples in newly explored lands?

Various European monarchs and governments, as well as the Catholic Church, permitted explorers to enslave native peoples in newly explored lands. This practice was justified under the doctrine of "terra nullius" (empty land) where native populations were considered inferior or uncivilized. The legal concept of "Encomienda" in Spain's American colonies and other colonial systems similarly sanctioned forced labor and enslavement of indigenous populations.