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They were generally warned at least a day before that they would be deported.

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Q: How did the Ghetto's prepare the Jews for deportation?
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Why did the Nazis build ghettos?

To flush-out or kill all remaining Jews who were hiding from deportation to the camps

Who were forced in to the ghettos?

Indeed. Jews were in ghettos.

What was Jewish segregation?

This doubtless refers to the deportation and ghettoisation of the Jews in occupied Europe during World War II. Jews from accross Europe were told to report in and were rounded up and sent to ghettos in Poland.

How many Jewish ghettos were in Poland?

In total, there were over 540 Jewish ghettos in the entire Nazi empire, which sent the majority of the Jews to their deaths. Over 2 million Polish Jews died in the death camps, which operated in conjunction with certain ghettos. Most ghettos were 'closed' (sealed off with high walls and barbed wire) as in the case of Lodz, Czestochowa, Warsaw, Krakow while others remained 'open' as in Sosnowiec, until the actual deportation of Jews occurred.

Why did the Jews agree to be police in the Ghettos?

Jews did not agree to be police in the ghettos, they were made to!

What were ghetos for Jews?

Ghettos were the places they kept the Jews. The ghettos were isolated, enclosed communities that the Germans kept the Jews in. Ghettos were where the Jews were forced to live, under horrible conditions.

What happened to the people in the ghettos?

they were most likely killed ___ They were given insufficent food and usually no medication in the ghettos. Most of the ghettos were also hopelessly overcrowded and disease spread easily. Moreover, from December 1941 on the inhabitants of the ghettos were taken to extermination camps and killed there.

Did German Jews get sent to ghettos in other countries?

Yes, what ever Ghettos their were in the Axis state, jews were sent to them

When did the Nazis put the Jews in ghettos?

basically as soon as the Germans occupied a country, they would put the Jews into ghettos.

Did Jews celebrate Passover in ghettos?

There are always Jews who celebrate Passover regardless of the location or circumstances. Jews celebrated Passover in the ghettos, and then in the concentration camps.

What was the name given to the ghettos where Jews were forced to live?

ghettos, or Jewish Quarters.

When did the Jews in Poland get sent into Ghettos?

When the land that they were living on was claimed by force by the Nazis. Then, the Nazis built ghettos and Death Camps for the Jews.