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Q: How did the Greeks name constellations?
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Did the Greek name the constellations?

The Greeks really named quite a few.

How the constellations get their name?

many ancient civilizations created there own constellations but the ones most people use today were created from the Greeks

How did the constellations get their name?

many ancient civilizations created there own constellations but the ones most people use today were created from the Greeks

Who named the arrangement of the stars the 'constellations'?

The ancient Greeks

How did stars receive its name?

Stars received their names from the ancient Greeks and romans, who observed the constellations and named them after Greek myths.

Who invented the modern constellations in the Northern Hemisphere?

Most of the (northern) constellations we use today were invented in ancient times, especially by the ancient Greeks. More recently, a few were added (to fill the entire surface of the sky with constellations), and the limits between constellations were defined exactly.

Who named stars by assingning the to constellations and giving them greek letters?

the greeks did that

Did the ancient Greeks and Romans discover all the zodiac constellations?

a fghr

Who made the constellations?

The romans and the greeks both but the greeks believe its castor and pollux the romans believe it was romulas and remus.

What does constellation mean in Greek?

"Constellation" is a Greek word, and constellations were first discovered by the Greeks, believed to be a greek called 'Homer'. I think constellations is the name given to them by the Greek, so therefore 'constellation' in Greek is 'constellation'.

What was the little dippers name?

The constellation Ursa Minor was named by the ancient Greeks; it was one of the constellations listed by Claudius Ptolemy in his star catalog "Almagest".

Which of these groups of people first initiated the modern system of recognizing constellations?
