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During ht industrial revolution the poor people were treated very badly. There were no sewage and the conditions were damp. The poor people ate potatoes and Mcdonalds (KFC IS BETTER). The rich people however ate meat (KFC).

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Q: How did the Industrial Revolution affect rich people?
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The income gap between rich and poor grew smaller.

Industrial Revolution bad?

The bad thing about the industrial revolution was that the rich took advantage of the poor

What stayed the same in the Industrial Revolution?

Well the poverty remained so, while the rich stayed rich.

What was a major effect of the industrial revolution?

The gap between the rich and the poor grew larger

What was a major social effect of the Industrial Revolution?

The gap between the rich and the poor grew larger

What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial revolution was caused mainly because the world was getting smarter, people were inventing new ideas and most children (mostly the rich) were going to school, this meant they had good education and had the brains to invent all of these massive machine's.

What resources did Britain have that allowed it to lead the Industrial Revolution?

England had natural resources to help her become a leader in the industrial revolution. England was rich in coal, iron ore, and good harbors to facilitate trade. Also, English colonies provided valuable raw materials such as lumber and cotton.

What were negative effects of the industrial revolution?

People that opened factories became rich while the workers were poor.. =(

How did Industrial Revolution change the world?

I think that industrial revolution change the world by changing the environment and the life style of people specially in India.

How did the Industrial Revolution help with war?

The industrial revolution made possible the mass producton of weapons, which generally meant larger armies and greater bloodshed. This might have helped the rich and powerful achieve their aims , but was of no help to the poor cannon fodder on the battlefield. To help with war is to bring it to an end, forever. The converse is also true - the ever increasing need for more weapons accelarated the industrial revolution.

How do the nations of OPEC affect your life?

people bring to rich.

During the industrial revolution what were some of the advantages of interchangeabl parts?

The advantages were that the inner towns were becoming less fortunate and the the big cities became very rich.