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Q: How did the Montgomery bus company lose money?
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How much money did bus company lose during the bocott?

lots of money

Why did the bus company lose money during the boycott?

they dont like the boycott

What is the amount money did the bus company lose?

More than you make in a year buddy

How does the Montgomery bus boycott show that people can make their voices heard in a peaceful way?

The African American citizens of Montgomery walked to work and other places for a year and the bus company was loosing money not having them as passengers. The company gave in, the law was changed, and African Americans were allowed to sit anywhere on the bus. Violence is not needed for change. Just the people and purpose that want change.

What is the name of the Montgomery bus company that was involved in the Montgomery bus boycott?

I too am having the same problem. SPent the good part of an hour pouring through every book I own and trolling the internet. The best I found was "The Montgomery Bus Company". does anyone have any statistics on the impact the boycott had on the bus company?

What were the 3 demands that the Montgomery Improvement Association going to present to the bus company?

just because

What did the bus company do to remember Rosa Parks?

They lost the bus money.

Who was chosen to act a spokesman for the extended boycott of Montgomery Bus Company?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Example of using economic pressure to bring about change?

Montgomery Bus Boycotts of the mid-50s

Was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the 19th century?

No, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was not in the 19th century. It was in the 20th century.

Did the Montgomery bus boycott achieve its goals?

Yes the Montgomery bus boycott did achieve its goals .

Was Rosa Parks pregnant on the bus in Montgomery?

No. Rosa Parks was not pregnant when she was arrested on the Montgomery city bus.