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they thought it was wrong and too harsh on Germany but they had to go along with it otherwise they would be invaded by everyone else.

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Q: How did the Treaty of Versailles upset those Americans who supported the war effort?
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How did the Treaty of Versailles end it?

The Treaty of Versailles was an Armistice. It functioned as an unconditional surrender for Germany and its allies in the face of American industry and the ability to generate a huge mass of troops and indefinitely swamp the German War effort.

Why did Germany have to pay 6600 million pounds in the treaty of Versailles?

To cover the entire cost of the allied war effort in World War I

Which was not a way Americans supported the war effort in world war 2?

wasting resources

What groups supported the patriot war effort?

Spain and France supported the patriot's war effort.

How did the government restrict the right of Americans to guarantee they supported the US war effort in world war 1?

read ur textbook

Which statement describes how Native Americans reacted to the United States' entry into World War II?

They supported the war effort and joined the military in large numbers

Why did native Americans fight the battle of fallen timbers?

Native Americans fought the Battle of Fallen Timbers in an effort to keep control of their lands in the Northwest Territory. Despite the treaty that ceded Northwest territory land to the Americans, British troops continued to occupy the territory and assist Native Americans in fighting the colonists. The battle ended in total victory for the Americans.

What impacts did ww1 have on europ?

The countries in Europe were already in debt from spending there money on the war and they had no need for the factories producing things for the war effort so many lost their jobs. The countries blamed it on Germany (treaty of Versailles) and made them pay for it all.

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Was there peace after world war one?

The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the end of world war 1 in an effort to keep peace. The treaty was signed after months of negotiations between Woodrow Wilson (president of the U.S.), David Loyd George (Prime Minister of England) and Clemenceau of France.

What groups helped in the Patriot war effort?

The groups that supported the patriot war effort were the patriots and the loyalist! <3 (;

How did the US increased supported for the war effort?

they created inspiring posters.