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The atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

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Q: How did the US end World War 2 when the Japanese refused to surrender?
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Where did the Japanese formally sign their surrender at the end of World War 2?

The Japanese signed the surrender documents on the USS Missouri.

How did World War 2 end for japan?

The Japanese Instrument of Surrender was the written agreement that enabled the Surrender of Japan, ending World War II.

Where and why World War 2 started?

World war 2 started in Hawaii when the Japanese surprise attacked us. The Japanese wanted to take over the world, they attacked us an after we controlled that battle, we told them to surrender (which is dishonorable to surrender without your life being taken in Japan) so they refused, we had three nuclear bombs ready to drop, one by one they were taken and dropped, they surrendered after the second bomb was dropped

Why did the US bomb the Japanese cities of hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2?

To convince the Japanese to surrender

Terms of the Japanese to surrender World War 2?

The U.S.A dropped the atomic bom

Where did the Japanese surrender to end World War 2?

They Surrendered aboard the USS Missouri

What year did the japanese surrender during World War 2?

The battleship USS Missouri.

When did atomic bombing of world war 2 take place?

August 6 in 1940 was the day Hiroshima, Japan was bombed. On August 9 they bombed Nagasaki since the Japanese refused to surrender. After that Emperor Hirohito decided to surrender. Good answer, except for the year quoted!

What actions led to the Japanese surrender of World War 2?

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Did the Japanese surrender at the end of world war 1?

They were part of the allies in WWI. They surrendered in WWII.

What did the us use to end the war with japan?

They attacked Japan with the Atomic Bomb and then they told them that they had to surrender or they would drop another atomic bomb. The Japanese refused to surrender and they dropped another one. This killed more than 200,000 Japanese. Finally Japan had surrendered.

Did the surrender of the Japanese end the war?
