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Provided the french with massive economic and military support.

- The american's reconstruction to the 21st century

(Page: 730

chapter: 22

Americans support France in Vietnam

5th paragraph

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Materiel support, including uniforms, weapons, munitions, armoured vehicles, aircraft, and even pilots for aircraft such as the nine US Air Force C-119 aircraft loaned to the French.

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Q: What aid did the us provide to french in Vietnam war?
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Did the US provide aid to the Vietminh during the French Indochina War?

No , the US assisted the French .

What was the French connection to Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

The French had fought there from 1946 to 1954; 1st Indochina War or French Indochina War.

Did The US provide economic aid to fund the French war effort in Vietnam.?

1945 $160 million 1951 $450 million 1953 $785 million. Multiply those figures for today's dollar values.

Who started the Vietnam war America or Vietnam?

North Vietnam started the war against South Vietnam; the US went to the aid of the South.

How did the 1949 communist victory in the Chinese civil war influence American involvement in Vietnam?

The United States Increased aid to the French in Vietnam. (NN) because the US was against Communism.

How did the Americans escalate their involvement in the Vietnam war?

Two ways: 1. Transitioning the guerrilla war in RVN to a conventional war by deploying tanks and conventional troops. 2. By directly bombing North Vietnam. Vietnam was no longer a guerrilla war.

Who did Vietnam go to the war with the french?

French Indochina War (1946-1954).

Did France loose the Vietnam war?

Yes. Vietnam was a French colony. They lost a Vietnam War and were thrown out of Vietnam before America tried to win a war in Vietnam. America also lost a Vietnam War.

The United States begin to provide military advisers to the French and Vietnam as early as 1950. The US government was helping the French keep their colonies in the area. What is the main reason for the US governmentโ€™s involvement in Vietnam?

The Korean war

Why is the Vietnam war often called the 'American war'?

One of the main reasons was to separate the Vietnam War from the French War or French Vietnam War (which is often referred to as the French Indochina War; and lately, the 1st Indochina War). To makes things simple: The French Indochina War and the US (American) Vietnam War, might be the easiest way to remember it.

What President first involved the US in Vietnam?

Harry S. Truman, who began providing aid and materiel to the French during the First Indochina War in 1950.

What did the french do during the Vietnam war?

Their war was '46 to '54.