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There were no animals during this period. The only life forms were primitive bacteria which lived in sea waters. They survived by being under sea. All others were wiped out.

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Q: How did the animals adapt to survive the Huronian ice age?
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How did ice age animals adapt to the ice age?

They wore coats!(:

How did Stone Age people use technology to adapt and survive?

Stone Age people used technology such as flint tools for hunting, gathering, and preparing food. They also created simple shelters, clothes, and fire to stay warm and cook food. Additionally, they used tools for making weapons, fishing equipment, and pottery for storing food.

What is the estimate of people who survived the first Ice Age?

It was very difficult for early humans to survive. They had to adapt. The Ice Age was a threat to human kind. Eventually they learned to adapt and they survived... most of the time!

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Nomads in the Stone Age had to learn various skills to survive, such as hunting and gathering, making tools and weapons, making fire, finding and purifying water, identifying edible plants, building temporary shelters, and navigating their surroundings. These skills were essential for their survival and enabled them to adapt and thrive in different environments.

Rough or chipped stone tools were a mark of what ages?

This is considered the Stone Age. Although the tools used during this period wasn't sophisticated, they were able to survive and adapt to the environment.

What ice age did the wooly mamouth die in?

The mammoth died out in the final ice age because, they could not adapt to the new warmer climate but a species of pygmy mammoth did survive a little while after in the northern most countries like Greenland.

How did people survive the new stone age?

People in the New Stone Age survived by relying on farming, domesticating animals, and developing more advanced tools and technology to meet their needs. They also engaged in trade with neighboring communities for resources they could not produce themselves. This shift towards agriculture and settlement led to the development of more complex social structures and communities.

How did the people in the old stone age make life easier?

People in the Old Stone Age made their lives easier by creating tools and weapons out of stone, bone, and wood. These tools helped in hunting, cooking, and making shelters. They also developed basic language and communication skills to collaborate and coordinate with each other.

How did the neanderthals adapt to ice age?

They didn't live during the ice age.

How did people adapt to survive during the ice ages?

The Ice-Age was a time when people didn't have much at all and lived strictly off the land, therefore they learned to adapt by discovering fire and by making their own tools.

Do environmental factors influence natural selection?

Natural selection is a direct product of the environment. A couple of simple examples are: In a cold environment the only plants and animals that will survive will be cold tolerant plants and animals. In a forest of Bears the only animals to survive will be animals that are faster or bigger than Bears. A sudden change in environmental conditions, such as an Ice Age, will see whole populations of some species disappear while only remnants of some species will survive. Those remnants will display either cold tolerance or the ability to withstand the cold by other means ie: clothing or fire.

In the early stone age people had to learn to adapt to their what?

In the early Stone Age, people had to learn to adapt to their environment by mastering basic survival skills such as hunting, gathering, making tools, and creating fire. This adaptation was crucial for their survival and allowed them to thrive in a world where resources were limited and the environment was harsh.