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They wanted to count the slaves are part of the population so they could have more representation in Congress.

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Q: How did the backers of the Virgina Plan want to base representation in Congress?
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How did the backers and f the Virginia plan want to base representation in congress?

They wanted to count the slaves are part of the population so they could have more representation in Congress.

The congress under the Virgina plan?

The Congress under the Virginia plan would have been a unicameral legislature with representation based on a state's population like the House of Representatives that we have today.

Which plan called for two houses with representation based on population?

The Virgina Plan

This document proposed that Congress could force a state to obey a national law.?

Virginia plan

What plan called for each states representation in the Legislative Branch to be based on population?

The Virginia Plan proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population in the lower house. This plan was put forward by the delegates from Virginia at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

The New Jersey plan and the virgina plan addressed the states conflict over what?

Legislative representation I hope I helped

The virgina plan proposed a congress composed of?

Bill of rights first amendment

What plan favored an unicameral congress and equal representation?

The New Jeresey Plan

The Virginia plan proposed that representation in congress be based on?

Representation should be determined by population. While the New Jersey plan proposed representation would be equal for all states. :)

Was the called for representation in congress by population or by the amount of money given by the central government?

The Virginia Plan called for representation in Congress by population or by the amount of money given to the central government.

What plan proposed the creation of a congress and basing representation on population?

The virginia plan love mina

Did the Virginia Plan propose representation in Congress based on population?
