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During the period of the Black Death (1348-1350 CE), there were many religious upheavals that resulted in loss of faith. This stemmed from the fact that many of the Christian religions at the time preached asking God for protection against the pandemic. As the death toll climbed upwards of 75 million, many religious followers began to question the churchs' connection to God and their so called ability to "heal through faith."

At the same time, as the church leaders began losing followers, their authority and influence over state matters began to weaken considerably. Many people started turning away from the church and looked towards other philosophical physicians for advice. Because these medieval physicians advocated general hygiene, the bubonic plague died down significantly over time. Some historians point to this period as the beginning of a rise of anti-religious movements.

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I only got a couple but there still some :D -Church officials ran the hospital -The church supplied a place where people could stay and pray. -Gave hope to people in numerous ways. -The priests asked for forgiveness on behalf of all the victims of the black plague.

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Papal power means power of the Pope. People lost faith in church and God because they could not reconcile why "their God" was allowing such a terrible disease to wipe out many communities across Europe of the time

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People lost faith in the church because so many people were praying but yet the "black death" did not stop. When the infection did not stop people lost faith in god and therefore lost faith in the church. Hope I helped

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your mom is not the anser to this thing its you dad

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people blamed Black Death. On the church and kings.