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Q: How did the cattle industry boom impact society?
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When did Cattle boom or cattle industry began?

After the American Civil War, which was around 1865.

What contributed to the cattle industry boom?

Demand for more beef back East.

What factors led to the boom and bust in the cattle industry?

Expansion and the railroad system lead to the boom in the cattle industry. Drought, diseases, a decline in demand, and a harsh winter that killed thousands of heads of cattle all contributed to the bust.

Which advancement in technology directly contributed to the cattle boom?

The railroad was the advancement in technology that directly contributed to the cattle boom. Out in the west they created large cattle kingdoms.

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In the USA, World War 1 made a boom on the film industry. Many more people went out to see movies as there was a much bigger appeal. In Europe, however, the impact was the opposite. The war destroyed the industry there.

Why was there a cattle boom in the 1870s?

The cattle boom occurred because people started to settle down after the Civil War. It became practical to own a lot of cattle at this time.

How did the heavy investment in the cattle industry affect the industry as a whole?

Investing in the cattle industry affects the industry as a whole because it can help develop new technology and fix problems that may plague the industry. It can also help make it easier for others to enter the market.

What led to the cattle boom in the west?


What was the cattle boom?

decline people in farms

How did the cattle boom change the life in the west?

Many smaller towns prospered because of the cattle boom, because it brought the cattle herders and cowboys to town. When the cattle drive was finished, the cowboys were anxious to spend their money.

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What was NOT a cause to the end of the cattle boom?

The Gold Rush in California.