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By evacuating them.

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Q: How did the civilians feel the government should respond to the Darwin bombings?
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Why did the government lie about the Darwin bombings?

It kept the full facts from public knowledge to avoid public panic in the rest of Australia, to avoid harming morale and the war effort.

Where were the ANZACS in the Darwin bombings?

The ANZACS, or the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, were not present in Darwin during the bombings that occurred on February 19, 1942. The bombings were carried out by the Japanese air force targeting the city of Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory. The ANZACS primarily fought in World War I and were not involved in the defense of Darwin during World War II.

How many people died in the Darwin Wars?


Who is the government of Darwin?

Andrew Mackie argued with Officials of the government of Darwin. The government of Darwin was a republic. Charles Darwin. Andrew Mackie. George Walters. Fred Flinstone. Michael Bangmeh. and last but most definitely not least John Hancock.

Where did evacuating people go during the Darwin bombings?

The new film (which is probably NOT A REMAKE) due to be released in November 2008, titled "AUSTRALIA" may supply those answers. The movie (film) is about the DARWIN BOMBING during WW2.

According to Charles Darwin what biological mechanism allows members of the same species to respond appropriately to various conditions in the natural world?

According to Darwin, it is instinct that allows the appropriate response to various conditions in the natural world. Darwin was an English naturalist.

How many people died in the Darwin bombings by the Japanese?

It is unknown how many people were killed in the Darwin bombings, but according to the original records, 243 civilians and military personnel were killed. This number was later revised to "about 250", and later again, revised upwards still. The real toll is believed to have been much higher, as these figures did not include the many Indigenous Australians who lived in the area. Also, not all of the crews of some of the merchant ships were fully known. There was one report in the 1990s which suggested the figure was 1,024, but there is no substance to this claim. It is interesting to note that, at the time, the government announced that 17 people had been killed, in an effort to preserve morale.

Why did the Australian government provide incorrect casualty figures during world war 2?

Australia was under attack from all corners, bombings in the north, naval attacks on western ports, and submarines were sinking ships in eastern harbours. While none of this was enough to destroy Australia it did have a tremendously negative impact on the moral of Australians. The prevailing thought at this time was Australia was about to be invaded. In order to lessen damage to our moral, the Australian government provided incorrect casualty figures to make people think it wasn't as bad as they thought it was. For example, the bombings of Darwin killed over 250+ people but the government announced only 17 people had been killed.

How did the Darwin Bombings during World War 2 affect Australia today?

After the Japanese air force launched an air raid in Darwin, the Australian government was awaken from its blind loyalty to England. The Australian government realized that they can not just concern about England's security and they must concern about Australian's security as well. The Australian also realized that they must not keep up their stupid policy, which's called the white Australian or Another England in Pacific, with their neighbour countries because they don't have enough people to protect their country. Therefore they need the immigrants to help them to protect the country. The Australian government worry that the second Japanese invasion will occur.

What biological mechanism allows members of the same species to respond appropriately to various conditions in the natural world according to Charles Darwin?


What were Charles Darwin's kids names?

William Erasmus Darwin, Anne Elizabeth Darwin, Mary Eleanor Darwin, Henrietta Emma Darwin ("Etty"), George Howard Darwin, Elizabeth Darwin, Francis Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Horace Darwin and Charles Waring Darwin

Why did the Darwin bombing happen?

A few days after the bombing of Pearl Harbour, 200 Japanese fighter planes bombarded the city of Darwin, over 250 people died. Why did it happen? Because the allies were using Darwin as a staging ground, where allied ships would dock refuel and return to battle. It was also strategically important because this is where many of Australias forces were being sent from to head north to PNG, Indonesia, and so on. However, the attacks on Darwin were not the last for the remainder of the war it would be bombed a further 64 times but none of them compared to the destruction as the first bombings as we were much more prepared after that.