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Q: How did the climate affect the development of Minoan culture?
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If there is a very cold, dry climate then the soil will not get the nutrients it needs to be heathly. But if the climate is warm and wet then the soil will be rich and full of nutrients.

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Both culture and region can influence each other. Culture can shape the traditions, beliefs, and values of a region, while the region's geography, climate, and history can also impact the development of its culture. This interaction results in unique cultural identities that vary from one region to another.

How do Russia's harsh climate and few navigable rivers affect its economic development?

Its Natural Resources.

How does Russia's harsh climate size and few navigable rivers affect it's economic development?

We have pretty good climate and many rivers.

Did climate affect the Aztecs culture?

Yes, climate did have an impact on the Aztec culture. The Aztecs adapted their agricultural practices to the local climate and geography, relying heavily on a system of chinampas, or floating gardens, to grow crops in the marshy areas of the Valley of Mexico. The changing climate could have contributed to periods of drought or flooding, affecting their agricultural production and potentially leading to food scarcity.

How do Russia's harsh climate size and few navigable rivers affect its economic development?

We have pretty good climate and many rivers.