

How did the cold war change under Krushchev?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How did the cold war change under Krushchev?
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What are some key figure of the cold war?

Stalin, Krushchev, Chairman Mao, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon.

Russian leader during the cold war?

There was no Tsar (Czar) in Russia from 1917 onward. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 removed that regime, and replaced it with the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) around 1922.

Why is the cold war?

The Cold War was refered to as "Cold" because a cold war means there is no fighting going on at all, but a "Hot" war is when there is fighting going on (Take WWII as an example for a hot war). But we got envolved with the war because our enemies were under a Communist Government and we were under a Democratic Government.

How was America's economy after the Vietnam war?

No change; the cold war was still on.

How did the Cold War change after the Cuban Missile Crisis?

It didn't change. Nothing changed the Cold War until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

How did the Cold War change Tanzania?

it became wealthy

Usage of hot line in a sentence?

Krushchev activated the Hot-line transmitter to contact President Eisenhower- trouble was, Ike was out on the Golf Course ( it happened) thus was the tale of the General who almost lost the Cold War on the golf links.

Did Gorbachev or Yeltsin played a greater role in the collapse of communism in USSR?

Soviet Leaders got progressively weaker as each Soviet Leader left office after Krushchev. Stalin & Krushchev were the hard-liners of the cold war. They were truly from the old school.

Why did John Kennedy consider Nikita Krushchev to a threat?

Krushchev was the dictator of the USSR which was serious military power and had taken over much of Eastern Europe in the aftermath of WW II. In particular, the USSR controlled East Germany with exception of the western part of Berlin which was surrounded by East Germany. While Kennedy was president, Krushchev ordered a blockade of the roads leading into West Berlin, in an apparent attempt to capture it. This put the US and USSR on the brink of war. Krushchev also made a treaty with communist Cuba and attempted to set up missile bases there with Soviet missiles. This produced another crisis. In short, Krushchev had great military power under his command and showed clear hostility to US interests.

How did warfare including the weapons and strategies change from World War 1 to the Cold War?

There wasn't any fighting in the cold war besides the Suez crisis in Egypt so the weapons had nothing to do with the cold war and also the cold war was after world WA 2

How did the power of presidency change during the cold war?

It didnt

Who has benefited from the change of the cold war?

In my opinion the russians benefited