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there was significant shuffling in the rulers and ruling methods of Renaissance government; this in turn, influenced the way residents gained authority and the process the economy ran on. Throughout the Medieval time period, most dignitaries were born into a slot on the authority hierarchy, a pecking order purely determined by the distinction of their earlier family members (e.g. father, grandfather); in the characteristic Renaissance leadership, this was different. Renaissance style government, such as in the Italian city of Venice, was different to Medieval feudal governing in the way that it was democratic, because of this, an unlawful 'doge' or governor could be easily voted out of office, this meant the leader had less supremacy, for, overuse of power could see him/her replaced. As the supremacy of the government regime began diminishing, peoples' dictation became more determined by occupation, guild membership or monopoly of trade. For families such as the 'Medici's, with the help of superior commerce, a deprived family was able to flourish, generating a Pope and 6 Queens. This would have been impossible in the Middle Ages, for profession had little influence on the feudal system. With the rise in Renaissance commerce, people began forming communal organizations. Communal organizations were assemblies of people, who joined together with the concept of monopolizing on each others abilities; these prosperous assemblies were some of the earliest types of firms, and were not seen in the medieval period.

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After the West Roman Empire fell, in 476 AD, Rome itself was taken over by Ostrogoths, who were eventually thrown out by the army of the East Roman Empire. During this time, the government continued as it had been in at least some respects, and, in fact, the last recorded act of the Roman Senate took place in 603 AD. When the Roman Senate ceased to function, we do not know.

Rome was nominally under the control of the East Roman Empire, which had developed into the Byzantine Empire, until 752. Relations during this time were often uneasy, with the popes in control of Rome being defiant to the Emperor.

In 751, the Lombards threw the Byzantines out of the area around Rome, and the popes of the time sought protection from them by the Franks. The Papal States, ancestral to the present Vatican, were established in 752 with the Donation of Pepin, and their extent was codified in 781 by Charlemagne. After this point, the government of Rome was under control of the popes.

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Q: How did the concept of government change during the Middle Ages?
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