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Q: How did the economy of the southern states turn into the civil war?
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An era from the end of the civil war to the turn of the 20th century featured what changes in the economy?

economic panics, and a depression.

What effect did John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry have on the nation?

It was a precursor to the Civil War. Southern slave holders saw that northern abolitionists were willing to resort to violence to end slavery. This in turn caused them to want to secede out of fear.

What impact did blockade runners have on the south confederacy in the beginning of the war?

The South's whole economy was based off of exporting goods such as cotton to places like Britain and France. When the Union blockaded the South's ports, the Southern economy took a turn for the worst. Sooner or later Robert E. Lee would have to march his troops into the north to steal supplies because the southern government didn't have enough for them.

What city in Alabama did the civil rights march turn ugly?

Montgomery, Alabama

What was the reason of the civil war?

It was fought over the twin issues of slavery and states rights. The south developed a view of the relationship between the federal government and the states which, if it had prevailed, would have made it almost impossible for the federal government to enforce its laws. Although the southern view was an arguable interpretation of the constitution, the primary reason they developed it was to rotect the institution of slavery. As anti-slavery sentiment grew in the north, so did political support for abolishing the institution at the federal level. The south kept offering interpretations of the constitution that would have prevented the abolition of slavery. And those interpretations were not invalid. When the new Republican party came into power in the election of 1860 the southern states felt that slavery was going to be ablolished so they seceeded from the union in order to protect it. The north, both to preserve the union and to attack slavery said thast secession was constitutionally impermissable and was an act of rebellion against the legitimate government. The north acted to enforce the constitution and federal law by keeping the southern states in the union and the southern states fought to maintain their independence. Michael Montagne Marx would suggest, naturally, that part of the reason for the sudden upsurge in abolition at the time preceding the Civil War was due, not only to Uncle Tom's Cabin, but to the economic upsurge in the south due to the cotton gin.

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How was the civil war going for the first 2 years?

The southern (Confederate) states were doing good until the Battle of Gettysburg where there was a big turn around and the north started winning!

An era from the end of the civil war to the turn of the 20th century featured what changes in the economy?

economic panics, and a depression.

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During our US Civil War of 1861-1865, the northern states were industrialized (and were able to produce war material, such as rifles and revolvers (musket & pistols) for the Union Army (US Army), etc.) and the Southern States were less industrialized, and were more of an "Agriculture" based economy (raising cotton, and tobacco, etc.) which is why the South had to "import" their rifles/muskets from Europe (which consequently caused the Union (US Navy) to blockade the South, which in turn created "Blockade Runners", etc.). South Vietnam was an "Agriculture" based economy, while the US is predominately an industrial economy (actually the US is strong in both economies).

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What effect did John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry have on the nation?

It was a precursor to the Civil War. Southern slave holders saw that northern abolitionists were willing to resort to violence to end slavery. This in turn caused them to want to secede out of fear.

What were at least three results of the Civil War?

No more slavery, southern states had to pay, lincoln was assassinated

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Nearly all tornadoes in the southern hemisphere turn clockwise.

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Winds curve/turn towards the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

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His steelworks helped the united states become the world's leading industrial power.

What was the turn out of the American Civil War?

The North won, and that is why they have written all the textbooks. Read one, and if you get the time, read one from a Southern perspective. Don't be a politically correct bigot.

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The economy is reflection of how productive the people are. The better the economy the more investors which in turn create job opportunity.

Is the US economy bad?

The United States economy has gone to crap over the past several years. And its all the guy presidents fault. If we just had one girl president I am sure that they will be able to start to turn the whole United States around. The economy failure is all President Bushes fault. That's all i have to say. (foot note: a lot of people be live that the economy started to go to crap when President bush was in office.)