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Q: How did the embargo act affect the US politically?
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How did the embargo act affect the American economy?

It revived the Federalist Party where US now depended on business for its economy. The Federalists won 1 state-Massachussetts. US shipping declined greatly. The embargo act was a political and economical disaster for the US

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Embargo act of 1807

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Oil embargo affected the US in a few ways. The main way the US was affected by OPEC.

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The embargo act

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When did the us exports reach their lowest level?

during the embargo act

What prohibited US trade with Great Britain and France?

The Embargo Act.

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Why embargo act was passed?

The Embargo Act was passed because of England's actions beforehand. England would press US sailors into service and also attack American ships.

Why the embargo act passed?

The Embargo Act was passed because of England's actions beforehand. England would press US sailors into service and also attack American ships.

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Embargo Act

What forced the US to produce goods once imported from England?

Embargo act