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Q: How did the first Seminole war begin what effect did the war have on border disputes between Spain and the US?
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Great Britain accepted growing U.S influence in Latin American countries.

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Great Britain accepted growing u.s. influence in latin american countries

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Great Britain accepted growing U.S influence in Latin American countries.

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Great Britain accepted growing U.S influence in Latin American countries.

What was the effect of U.S threats to intervene in border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela?

Great Britain accepted growing u.s. influence in latin american countries

What was the effect of the U.S. threats to intervene in a border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela?

Great Britain accepted growing u.s. influence in latin american countries

What was the effect of U.S threats to intervene in a border dispute between british Guiana and Venezuela?

great Britain accepted growing US influence in latin American countries

What was the effect of the US threats to intervene in a border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela?

Great Britain accepted growing U.S influence in Latin American countries.

What was the effect of US threats to intervene in a a border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela?

Great Britain accepted growing U.S influence in Latin American countries.

What was the effect of the U.S threats to intervene in a border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela?

Great Britain accepted growing u.s. influence in latin american countries