

How did the geography of the Roman Empire affect its art?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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andy warhol helped the romans create silkscreen methods of painting

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Q: How did the geography of the Roman Empire affect its art?
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Where did The byzantine styles of art developed in?

The eastern Roman Empire.

Can Roman art be religious?

By Roman art we usually mean art from the Roman empire. When Emperor Constantine introduced Christianity as state religion, the center of the empire moved to Constantinople. After this we talk about Byzantine art which is mainly religious.

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How was the art of the eastern and Western roman empire?

The art of the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire were similar because in both parts of this empire it was Greco-Roman art. This is a term which indicates the fact that Roman art became heavily influenced by Greek art. Greek art had already influenced the eastern Mediterranean before it was taken over by the Romans because the Greeks had ruled this area for three hundred years prior to this. The Romans spread Greco-Roman art in the western part of the empire. It has to be noted that, however, many of the local peoples in the empire retained their traditional art.

What was the art period before Byzantine Art?

Well seeing as Byzantine Art really only applies to a style of art in the Byzantine Empire and not the world, one can't really give a definite name to its predecessor. However, Byzantine Art was influenced by art from the Roman Empire (Roman Art).

Where was classical art performed?

The term 'classical art' is generally used about art from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

Byzantine art was strongly influenced by?

Byzantine art evolved from early Christan art, particularly that of the eastern part of the Roman Empire which, in turn, was influenced by Greek and Roman art.

When was the roman art period?

Roman art was the art of the ancient Roman civilisation. Rome was said to have been founded in 753 BC. Historians give 476 AD as a conventional date for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. In that year, the last emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire was deposed by a usurper. This makes about 1,200 years of ancient Roman civilisation.

Is geography an art?

No, geography is not art , it is science.

When did Roman art begin?

Since the whole Roman empire ended in the 1400s, it is likely for the Roman art to end somewhere around that time. It is not certain, but this date is probably likely.

What style of art is associated with the emperor Justinian and the East Roman Empire?

The Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire has been termed Byzantine Empire by historians . Tts art is called Byzantine art. Icons were the most distinctive form of Byzantine art. These were paintings on flat panels, usually made of wood, depicting Christian themes. They were often gilded with golden leaf. The Byzantines developed their own style for mosaics. There was also Byzantine architecture.

What contributions did the Roman Empire make art?

statues and murals were probably the most influential arts from the Roman Empire. A number of statues in Washington, D.C., reflect a strong influence of Roman art. You probably have seen murals similar to Roman frescoes.(frescoes often showed three-dimensional landscapes)