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The government mobilised reasonably quickly to assist those who had been affected by Cyclone Tracy. Late on Christmas night after Cyclone Tracy hit, Major-General Stretton, Director of the newly formed National Disasters Organisation, arrived at Darwin to coordinate evacuations, with a team of surgeons and nurses.

The government also organised for the army to assist. There were unpleasant tasks such as searching for bodies, cleaning out refrigerators which were filled with (by now) rotting food, and having to shoot packs of starving dogs that posed a threat to the survivors. The Army and Navy were brought in to deal with these sometimes dangerous cleanup tasks.

From 25 December, the Federal Department of Housing and Construction (in Melbourne) organised officers to begin clearing debris and restore power and communications. Electrical contractor crews cleared fallen power lines organised portable generators wherever available. The officers also worked to repair and restore water pumps and pipelines to get water and sewerage systems working again. Where houses were still intact, tarpaulins were placed over damaged roofs.

Beginning from 27 December, hundreds more police from interstate began to arrive to help out. Emergency supplies and equipment were brought to Darwin from other cities. Equipment included generators and emergency accommodation. The RAAF (Royal Australia Air Force) transport fleet helped bring in supplies to Darwin, and evacuate over 9,500 people to southern centres.

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Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

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Cyclone Tracy started as a tropical storm out in the Arafura Sea.

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cyclone Tracy was very serious and was in 1974. it hit on Christmas eve.

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cyclone Tracy was very dangerous because the winds were very strong

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It took cyclone tracy 10000000 years to make it to darwin

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