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grassy and windy and exactly the same as before 1850 but not 1850

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There was a high level of air pollution.

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Q: How did the great plains change?
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Did farming change the great plains?


How did the great plains change over the past 100 yeas?

it did not

What are the great plains in Oklahoma?

The Great Plains are plains in oklahoma.

How did settlers change the great plains?

By the time there was anyone settling the Great Plains in the 1800's few were European immigrants. The settlement of the plains came as small homesteads and farms. The plains still exist as it did over a 100 years ago. Great expanses of grasslands still exist and the ruts of covered wagon wheels can still be seen. Most of the people were heading to California , Oregon, or Washington instead of staying in the plains area. Life in,the plains was hard with no trees, little water, and the weather could range from hot days to blizzards.

What is the difference between Great plains and the central plains?

The Central Plains are a portion of the Great Plains.

How did the creation of new states change the political boundaries of the Great Plains?

suck a dick

What is the name of the large plains in north America?

The Great Plains

What area was included in the Louisiana purchase?

Great Plains

Is Virginia on the great plains?

No, Virginia is not in the Great Plains.

The Great PLains are also referred to as?

The Great Plains are also referred to as the interior plains.

What separates the north central plains from the great plains?

The Missouri River separates the Great Plains from the Central Plains.

Many African Americans opportunity offered by the homestead act by moving to?

The Great Plains