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Q: How did the hittites gain their empire?
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How did the hittites gain power?

They gained power by taking over Hittites empire

Which empire is more modern the Babylon or the Hittites.?

The Babylon Empire.

What languages were spoken by the Hittites?

The people of Hittites spoke the language of Nesite. It is an extinct language spoken by the people of Hittites who created an empire in modern day Turkey.

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What does hittites mean?

The Hittites are a people who established an empire in what is now Turkey in the second millenium BCE, roughly between 1550 and 1000

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What technology did the Hittites bring to Mesopotamia?

The Hittites brought nothing to Mesopotamia, because the empire never held territory east of the Euphrates River.

What modern day country are the Hittites from?

they're empire is in modern day turkey

How thick was the wall in Hattusa the capitol of The Hittites Empire?

About 26 feet thick.

Where did the hittites come from?

Secular archaeology holds that Hittites were from central Anatolia, in modern Turkey and eventually expanded their empire into the Levant region.

In what location were the Hittites found?

The Hittite Empire was found in what is today central Turkey, centered around the Kizil Irmak River. As the empire grew, the Hittites spread across all of modern Turkey and into the northern Levant. When the Hittite Empire fell (circa 1180 BCE), remnants of neo-Hittites remained in the northern Levant.

What did the Hittites the Scythians the Huns the Turks the Monogols and the Manchu have in common?

They were all major Empire Builders