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Obviously the answer to this question is many fold. One area of change was to expand the availability of books to the developing middle class in major cities, especially port cities where trade was creating a new class of wealth. Additionally, it opened the door for the mass reproduction of major works, most notably the Bible. This opened the door to individual ownership of a book which previously was meticulously copied by hand and very expensive. It also opened the door to individual interpretation which split the Church and created whole new streams of Christian thought based largely on modern interpretation within a European, rather than a Latin or Mediteranean cultural existence. It afforded for the expansion of academia through the commonality and low cost of texts books which gave the developing middle class more power through education. It provided for a whole new class of entertainment for the common man by the introduction of the novel and it helped immeasurably to expand literacy in just about every nation. All in all, one of the most significant inventions in history!

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1mo ago

The invention of the Gutenberg press revolutionized communication in Europe by making mass production of books possible, leading to increased literacy rates and easier access to information. It played a crucial role in the spread of ideas, knowledge, and the Reformation.

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11y ago

You may compare the Gutenberg invention to the internet invention nowadays.

It has changed life in Europe on many ways. Informations could be spread faster.

Students could learn easier. The Holly Bible brought new hope to the catholic people. It was a true cultural revolution and evolution.

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In western Europe a longterm effect of the invention of Gutenberg's printing press was that the?

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One invention in particular helped the spread of ideas during the reformation?

The 1440s invention that helped spread the ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe was the movable printing press. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

What did Johannesburg Gutenberg invent?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. This invention revolutionized the way information was shared and contributed to the spread of knowledge and literacy throughout Europe.

What invention is Johannes Gutenberg famous for?

printing press

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the printing press helped to spread literacy and ideas by mass producing written literature.

Which of the following statements describes an impact of Gutenberg's invention of the printing press?

books became less expensive and more available throughout Europe.

Invented the printing press?

The printing press was invented by a man named Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was invented in the year of 1440.

What invention was Johannes Gutenberg famous for?

Johannes Gutenberg was known for inventing the printing press around the year of 1450. He was also known for the Gutenberg bible later created with his own printing press.

Invention of printing press?

The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1436, and his project was completed in 1440.

When was gutenberg created?

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was born circa 1398. He had the idea for his invention, the Gutenberg press, by 1439 and it was in operation by 1450.

How did printing press help new ideas spread?

It Helped it by new invention of printing press, that was developed by gutenberg.

What invention helped Martin Luther to spread his ideas?

Martin Luther, if you're referring to the founder of Protestant Christianity, used the printing press to spread his ideas throughout Europe.