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The invention of the computer revolutionized the spread of information by enabling faster and more efficient communication through the internet and email. It allowed for the digitization and storage of vast amounts of information, making it more accessible to a global audience. Additionally, computers have played a key role in the development of social media and online platforms, further facilitating the dissemination of information.

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Q: How did the invention of the computer effect the spread of information?
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Why was paper an important invention?

Paper was important because it enabled mass communication, document preservation, and record keeping. It facilitated the spread of knowledge, ideas, and information, contributing to the advancement of society and culture.

What transformed the way information was exchanged during the renaissance?

The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg transformed the way information was exchanged during the Renaissance. This technology enabled the mass production of books and other written materials, making information more widely accessible and allowing for the spread of new ideas and knowledge.

Ways information spread in the renaissance?

In the Renaissance, information spread through the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, which made it easier and faster to produce books and disseminate knowledge. Universities and schools played a crucial role in educating individuals who would then share information through writings and conversations. Additionally, the growth of trade and commerce facilitated the exchange of ideas and information between different regions.

Why is paper an important invention?

Paper is important because it allows for the storage and dissemination of information, making communication more efficient. It is versatile, lightweight, and inexpensive, making it a widely used medium for writing, printing, packaging, and many other purposes. The invention of paper has played a key role in the development of literacy, education, and the spread of knowledge throughout human history.

What object was invented that allows the spread of new ideas and information?

The internet was invented, enabling the rapid spread and exchange of new ideas and information across the globe.

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What invention spread in the 1990s that allowed people easier access to news and information?

The invention of the Personal Computer spread in the 1990s and allowed people easier access to news and information.

What two effects of the gutenbergs invention?

One effect of Gutenberg's invention of the printing press was the rapid spread of information and ideas through printed material, leading to increased literacy rates. Another effect was the standardization of language and the preservation of texts, allowing for the mass production of books and documents.

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theylost their job because they have low understanding on computer...

Which invention spread in the 1990s that allowed people easier access to news and information?

the internet

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The development of this chip led to the invention of the first personal computer. With this invention, the use of computers spread from large businesses and the military to small businesses and homes.

What was an effect of Johannes's Gutenberg's invention?

Ideas spread more rapidly. Books dropped drastically in price. Literacy rates increased.

What was the effect of Johann Gutenberg's new machine?

Johann Gutenberg's invention of the printing press had a profound impact on society by making the mass production of printed materials possible. This led to an increase in literacy rates, the spread of knowledge and ideas, and the democratization of information. It also played a significant role in the spread of the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

What was an effect of Johannes Gutenbergs invention?

Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized communication by making books and information more accessible to a larger audience, leading to an increase in literacy rates and the spread of knowledge throughout Europe. This innovation also helped to catalyze the spread of ideas and the advent of the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

What was the invention that helped spread the idea of the enlightenment?

The printing press was a key invention that helped spread the ideas of the Enlightenment. It allowed for the mass production of books, pamphlets, and newspapers, making information more accessible to a wider audience and facilitating the dissemination of new ideas and philosophies.

What effect did the invention of cuneiform writing have on other cultures?

The invention of cuneiform writing had a significant impact on other cultures as it enabled the recording of information, communication, and the preservation of knowledge. It influenced the development of writing systems in other societies and facilitated the spread of ideas and technologies through trade and cultural exchanges.

What invention helped the spread of music?

Records and Radios

What were the major effects of the invention of the priniting press?

The major effects of the invention of the printing press include increased literacy rates, dissemination of knowledge and ideas on a wider scale, acceleration of the spread of information, and the facilitation of the Reformation and Enlightenment movements.