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Q: How did the labor unions try to force business owners to improve working conditions?
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What are the conditions that give rise to the formation of Trade Unions in society?

Poor working conditions gave rise to trade unions. They also negotiate better pay and benefits on behalf of the workers. Primarily, they protect and improve conditions.

What factors limited the success of the labor movement?

One big factor was the fierce business owners, who wanted low wages, long hours, and did not want to improve working conditions for the sake of more profit.

How did labor unions try to force business owners to improve working conditions?

Labor Union members went on strike, stopping work to demand better working conditions. About 1500 women marched demanding shorter hours and higher wages. Source: My Creating America Book and My Great Brain =)

What was the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference is known as?

Laissez faire

What factors limited the success of the early labor movement?

One big factor was the fierce business owners, who wanted low wages, long hours, and did not want to improve working conditions for the sake of more profit.

What statement about the power of labor unions is true?

unions found it hard to fight government-supported owners APEX

What is the policy that let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference?

Laissez Faire, the government policy of letting business and commerce take care of and correct itself.

How did industrialization affect business owners and working classes laborers differently?


Why did many business owners support the temperence movement?

Business owners supported the temperance movement because they didn't want their workers to be drunk while they were supposed to be working.

How did industrialization affect business owners differently from the way it affected working-class laborers?

Industrialization had a different impact on business owners compared to working-class laborers. Business owners saw increased profits and expansion opportunities as industrialization allowed for mass production and the development of new markets. They were able to accumulate wealth and power. On the other hand, working-class laborers faced poor working conditions, long hours, low wages, and the loss of control over their own labor. They often had to adapt to new technologies and work in factories, leading to a decline in traditional craftsmanship and job security.

How do you improve safety in the workplace?

One thing that companies/organizations/business owners can do is they can work with OSHA to improve workplace standard and safety. They have a lot of guidelines, rules and training programs that can help ensure health and safety and even improve the overall business system.

What efforts were made to improve the working condition during the Industrial Revolution?

Apart from the few factory and mill owners who had the welfare of their emplyees at heart, very little. Any improvement gained came largely from the employees banding together and struggling for them.