

How did the letter K develop in the Egyptian alphabet?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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It didn't. The letter K was first used in the Greek alphabet.

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Q: How did the letter K develop in the Egyptian alphabet?
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the letter K developed from the cupped hand

What letter in the English alphabet is after 'K'?

The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "L" comes after the letter "K".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

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The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "K" comes after the letter "J".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

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K is the 11th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.You can say K in short for OK or okay.K is also in short for the no.1000.K is an abbreviation of kilo or karat.

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The letter "K"

What is a symbol that represents a speech sound and is a unit of the alphabet starting with the letter k?

That would be the letter k.

What is k l m n?

Those are consecutive letters in the English alphabet, starting with the letter 'k' and ending with the letter 'n'.

What does the letter K look like in Hebrew?

There is no "letter k" in the Hebrew alphabet. But there are 2 Hebrew letters that have the same sound as the English letter k: they are כ and ק.

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What is greek and starts with the letter k?

kappa (part of the Greek alphabet)

What can K stand for in an alphabet book?

In an alphabet book, K can stand for words like "kite," "kangaroo," or "key" to help children learn the letter sound and recognize words that start with the letter K.

What is the 11th letter of the modern alphabet?

J is the tenth letter of the alphabet as it is used in English. Some other languages use additional letters.