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Benjamin Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he would not allow it to be the national bird.

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Q: How did the male turkeys become known as toms?
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Are male turkeys named toms?


Male turkey name?

Like chickens, female turkeys are simply called hens. Male turkeys, on the other hand, are called toms. Baby turkeys are known as poults.

What are some ways male turkeys are different from female turkeys?

aside from their sexual organs, toms (male turkeys) also have a "beard", a tuft of coarse hair that protrudes from their upper chest.

Male turkeys and female turkeys are called what?

The female turkey is called a hen, a male turkey is called a tom or gobbler and a young male turkey is a jake.

What male animal is called a tom or a Jake?

Adult male turkeys are called "toms", or "gobblers". Subadult males are called "jakes".

How did male turkey become known as toms?

Benjamin Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he would not allow it to be the national bird.

Are male turkeys called a toms?

Ben Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he did not allow it to be the national bird

Who was tom turkey named after?

Male turkeys are called toms, and female turkeys are called hens. So, the phrase "tom turkey," whether it is in a song, book, play, or cartoon, is how the character tom turkey got his name.

What animals are called toms?

Tom cats Turkeys and Cats

Word for male turkey?

a mature bird is a tom , while a immature male turkey is a jake

How are female and male turkey different?

How do you tell the HENS from the TOMS? * Once they mature, the toms are larger and have longer legs. * Toms grow a beard (long black feathers) in the middle of the chest (breast). Very few hens grow a beard. * A male turkey's head and wattle (growth under the chin) is larger. * The tom's snood (a fleshy growth on top of the bill) is longer and hangs down the side of his face. * Male turkeys gobble. Hens do not. Hens make a clicking or clucking sound. Male turkeys strut about, gobbling loudly and holding their heads high. They stick out their chests, fan their large tails and drag their wings on the ground. They do this to attract the attention of the female turkeys.~

Why don't some turkeys have wattles?

To attract female turkeys. Believe it or not Tom Turkeys look the way they do because of evolution, manipulated by the sexual preferences of female turkeys. They prefer the really ugly Toms so by sexual selection the Toms just kept getting uglier and uglier.