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Q: How did the monarchy in France work?
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What did the constitutional of 1791 do and how did it reflect enlightenment ideas?

The consitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy in place of the absolute monarchy that had France for centuries

Does France have a king or a queen?

France is not a monarchy and therefore does not have a King and Queen. France is a republic and has a president, Nicolas Sarcozy. France used to be a monarchy, but during the French Revolution the French killed their last King and Queen (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) because at that time France was bankrupt and the people were starving. They blamed it all on their King and Queen, which was not fair. Though, the revolutionists wanted France to become a republic so the bourgeoisie could reign alongside their president. In the monarchy France used to be, this was not the case, and the King had the only right to reign the way he saw fit.

What kind of government did France have before the French Revolution?

Before the Revoultion, France was an Absolute Monarchy. The King ruled by Divine Right, and his command was law. There were a number of feudal institutions that had roles in the enforcement and overseeing of laws, such as the law courts known as the Parlements. But the King had the final right to enforce or overturn any law. He could imprison people at will and hold them without charge. He had the right to confer property and titles of nobility, and to take them away. The King and his Ministers ruled France directly. Nobles and the Catholic Church also had numerous traditional rights, such as the rights to collect certain levies from the people.

Which of the following describes a political similarity between France before and after the fall of Napoleon?

Just after the Revolution, France had a representative form of government. After Napoléon rose to power, he became emperor

What type of Government did France have after the fall of Napoleon in 1815?

Before Napoleon ruled, France was governed by its Monarchy. After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, in which he was exiled from the country, the monarchy regained its position. The king during this time was Louis XVIII.