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Muckrakers were authors, film makers or photographers who wrote expose' pieces or books or took pictures. to present to the public about particular situations that were occurring during that period in tie to help bring about reform. people like Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair.

Upton Sinclair for example wrote a fictional novel called The Jungle. While writing this book and taking pictures he researched the novel. He found that meat packing companies in Chicago Illinois were infested with rats and when they were getting rid of the rats they laid down traps.

Included in the meat that was chopped up was poison from the rats, rat feces and dead rats that also were ground up with the eat.

Muckrakers chose an audience of middle to upper class citizens and tried to bring to their attention the horrible things that were occurring in the midst of the industrial age. Change needed to occur and they were helpful in bring the attention of the officials in Washington, DC to change laws.

Because of his book President T. Roosevelt passed the Meat Inspection Act that forced packing companies to clean up their act.

The result was cleaner meat, less incidents of food poisoning and e-coli long before we knew what e-coli was.

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