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Q: How did the pan Slavic help break up the ottoman empire?
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How were the Whirling Dervishes important to the Ottoman Empire?

The Whirling Dervishes are interesting as a cultural relic of the Ottoman Empire and their help in the producing poetry and helping the administration of the Empire. However, they were not terribly important in the expansion or development of the empire.

How did nationalism help cause world war 1?

four things of Nationalism that help cause WW1:spread of public opinions in Balkans, Germany, and Britain.spread of Napoleonic wars.Ethnic nationalism in Ottoman Empire specifically Slavic people (serbs) against Austriahungrarians.Assassination of Archduke of Austria by Serbian Nationalist.

What natural resources did the ottoman empire have?

dunnno i need to no that to in school history help

What four empires fell after World War 1?

Austria-Hungaria/ Austro-Hungarian Empire 1804-1867 as Austrian Emipire/1867-1918Russian Empire/Russia 1721-1917Prussia/German Empire 1871-1918Ottoman Empire 1299-1923

Why did Russians help Serbs fight Ottoman Empire?

Russians and Serbians are both Slavic peoples. They have similar languages, cultures, backgrounds, and religions. This compelled the Russian leaders to want to help the Serbs. Though the did not gain independence, the Serbs did gain autonomy.

How did the crimean war help lead to the decline of the ottoman empire?

The Crimean revealed the Ottoman Empires military weakness. Without aid from other nations they couldn't win the war. After the Crimean war the Ottoman Empire went on to lose land leading to its decline.

What was the unifying force of the Ottoman Empire?

I dont know my dad can anyone help?

How did suleiman's legal code help sultans rule the Ottoman Empire?

from my perspective I think that the reason that Suleiman's legal code helped sultans rule the ottoman empire because they made a code that would effectively govern the vast and expanding empire

With help from Russia Serbia A created a sense of nationalism in Serbia B gained autonomy within the ottoman empire C overthrew the ottoman emperor?

b :)

The concert of Europe was destroyed by which war?

Crimean War In which, Russians were attacking Ottoman Empire but Great Britain, and France help Ottoman Empire. And Russian lost Crimean War. That's how the concert of Europe was destroyed in 1848.

Was the Ottoman Empire sunni or shiite?

The Ottoman Empire was officially a SUNNI Caliphate. Shiite Islam was vilified and often repressed, being strongly associated with the Ottomans' rival to the east, the Safavid Empire.

What did russia do when Serbia asked for help?

It went to war aginst Germany and then later the Ottoman empire too.