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Q: What natural resources did the ottoman empire have?
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The Ottoman Empire was populated by the?

The Ottoman Empire was populated by the

What were Britain's interests in the Middle East and how did this conflict with the Ottoman Empire?

Britain neeeded resources and the Ottomann empire thought the British were treading on their land.

Which nation did the Ottoman Empire belong to?

The Ottoman Empire was a nation.

Is the Turkish empire the same as the ottoman empire?

Yes, Turkish people were in the Ottoman empire.

Which empire was primarily Muslim?

The Arabian Empire was primarily Muslim, as was the Ottoman Empire.

Which nationality of people founded the Ottoman Empire?

Turkish people are founders of the Ottoman Empire.

How many capitals has the Ottoman Empire had?

The Ottoman Empire had four capitals.

Who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire?

Osman I is attributed to finding The Ottoman Empire.

How many provinces did the Ottoman Empire have?

The Ottoman Empire had 29 provinces.

What did Osman do for the ottoman?

He effected the Empire by extending the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the Byzantine Empire .

What was the significance of the ottoman empire?

Trade was critical in the Ottoman Empire because the goal of the empire itself was expansionism. In order to reach this goal, the Ottoman government sought to attract resources for revenue. In order to do this, the government became tolerant of a broad spectrum of diversity in its inhabitants; thus paving the way for more people (and resources) to flourish within the empire. This tactic precipitated the growth and extension of the Ottoman Empire's power.

Which religion inspired the Ottoman Empire?

No religion "inspired" the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire had Sunni Islam as its State Religion, but it was not a view or tenet of Islam to create an Ottoman Empire.