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Someone who was not immunized with the polio vaccine got it from someone else. No one knows where some of these viruses "hide" but is probably was making rounds in small populations.

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Q: How did the polio outbreak in Syria start?
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Why was the mn state fair not held in 1946?

Outbreak of polio.

What is the risk for polio in the us?

Unlikely, there is now a vaccine for polio and now polio has become weakened to a point where people who have may not experience all the severe symptoms as when the outbreak hit. for example: polio would cause lung failure in the time of the outbreak but now it is very uncommon to see in polio patients. Just take the vaccine and you'll be safe.

What year was carnival in Trinidad celebrated in May rather than February because of some epidemic or something?

1973. Because of an outbreak of Polio.

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How did the Syrian protests start?

In syria

What diseases killed many people during World War 2?

(World War 2 1939-1945) In this time period, there was an epidemic of influenza from 1940-1941 in the United States. Also, there was an outbreak of polio immediately after the war, from about 1945-1949.

When did christopher Bruce start dancing?

he stared dancing after he he had polio as a child

How does polio effect the economy in India?

polio does not directly effect Indian economy.but personal economy will be effected. person with polio can still do all the indoor jobs,still standing on their own. but if the no of polio patients increases then it may start effecting little as india is a major country for human resource.

When was polio the most prevalent in the US?

Throughout the world polio us present every year, but there was a major outbreak of polio in 1955 in North America. Polio is still present in the world although it is generally not a problem in Western countries. The virus may be endemic (everyone has it) in some countries although only 10% of the population show symptoms. The virus is spread by fecal contamination of food or water or by mouth to mouth contact.

Is polio a verb?

Polio is a noun. If you want to use polio with a verb, you could say: Contract polio Suffer from polio Die of polio Recover from polio Etc., etc. I hope that helped.

Can cold water cause polio?

No, it takes the polio virus to cause polio. The polio virus can be defeated by having a polio vaccination.

Why does the government encourage vaccines?

the government encourages vaccines to help the public be immune to harmful diseases like polio they also try to encourage it because it decreases the chances of an outbreak