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Q: How did the popular sovereignty lead to violence in Kanss?
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How did popular sovereignty lead to the US Civil War?

people dident votei don't think the popular sovereignty have anything do to with leading to the civil war.

The Founders feared popular sovereignty would lead to?

Mob rule.

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Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas Nebraska act lead to violence?

Plantation owners were outraged that slavery had been outlawed in the territories. People in the territories were angry that a new political party had been established. Many Americans disagreed with the Supreme Court decision to limit slavery in the territories. Opposing forces clashed because they disagreed about popular sovereignty and slavery.

How is domestic violence seen by society?

Domestic violence is seen by the society as harmful. Violence can to lead to divorce and separation most time leads children into crime.

Does prejudice lead to violence?

Prejudice can contribute to violence by fueling negative attitudes and stereotypes that can lead individuals or groups to act in discriminatory or harmful ways towards others. However, not all acts of violence are directly caused by prejudice, as there can be multiple factors at play.

Will pressure lead to violence in sports?

sometimes it can, other times it doesn't

Where does violence lead you?

it leads you to suspension in school and possibly death maybe Prison

What was the main cause of urban violence?

According to the Kerner Commission, the number one cause of urban violence was white racism lead be defacto segregation.

How does prejudice lead to violence?

Prejudice can lead to violence by fostering negative attitudes and beliefs towards certain groups of people, dehumanizing them, and justifying discriminatory actions. When individuals or groups are viewed as less than human or inherently dangerous based on prejudiced beliefs, it can lead to acts of violence as a way to assert power or control over those targeted due to their perceived differences.

How did the war effect depressed soldiers?

War can lead to soldiers returning home with conditions such as PTSD and depression. This can lead to suicide and violence.

What effect does teen violence have on its victims?

as 1.6 million teens die of this it can lead them to kill