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Q: How did the reasons for fighting in civil war changes for each side?
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What is it called for people from the same country fighting against each other?

a civil war

What stance did each side take in battle during the civil war?

fighting stance

One thing the civil war proved was that?

The Civil War proved that the states could survive even fighting each other.

What is a cilvil war?

A Civil War is a war with one country fighting against each other.

What are similarities between the American Civil War and the libyan Civil War?

They both have the same people living in the same country fighting against each other. That is why it is called a Civil War.

How did the Chinese civil war affect the Japanese invasion?

It weakened China because the Chinese were fighting each other.

What groups fought in the Civil War?

In the US Civil War, the north and the south were fighting against each other. The North being the Union, and the South being the Confederacy.

What is tghe bad thing about a civil war?

Brothers and cousins fighting each other, and your own homeland being devastated.

People from the same country fighting against each other?

It is a civil WA. That is why when the south and north fought, it was called civil.war...

Was America north or south in the civil war?

They were "the Civil War". The North and the South were going against each other. They were fighting against slavery (the North). And the South wanted slavery.

Why did china have a civil war between the nationalists and communist why i mean we had a civil war but it wasn't over what they were fighting for why?

because they didnt like each other and they were very bad boys and girls

What is a brief description of a Civil War?

A civil war is where the opposing sides belong to the same country or region, as opposed to fighting a foreign country. A war fought between people from the same country: e.g the English civil war