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The Renaissance was the time after the Dark Ages when new forms of music, literature, drama, and art began to be seen. Renaissance means 'new birth'. These began to affect people's lives in an uplifting manner. Joy was brought into their lives again as was fresh thinking.

The Reformation was a continuation of these new ideas and emotions, prompting new ways to look at Scriptures which was part of everyone's lives back then.

These influenced the Enlightenment by opening the way people thought about things instead of being confined in thought per the Catholic Church at the time.

For the first time, philosophers could posit a world without God controlling every aspect of life.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

people challenges accepted beliefs and authority.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

people challenged accepted beleif and authority byron G

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Q: How did the reformation and renaissance periods influence the enlightenment movement?
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Defending the idea that the Reformation was not just a religious movement but also an extension and development of the Renaissance depends on a person point of view.

What European movement influenced the Enlightenment?

The Renaissance was the European movement that heavily influenced the Enlightenment. During the Renaissance, there was a revival of art, literature, and intellectual inquiry that laid the foundation for the Enlightenment period by promoting critical thinking, humanism, and individualism.

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The Romantics rebelled against the Classics and those of the Enlightenment movement. They rejected rationalism and the reformation. See below: Romantic (return to Medieval) ^ Classical/Enlightenment (return to Greco-Roman) ^ Medieval ^ Greco-Roman

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