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Q: How did the rights of white men expand during the jacksonian era?
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How were voting rights expanded during the Jacksonian Era?

It allowed for non landowners to vote. This greatly affected the Demographics of those who were allowed to vote in the election.

Jacksonian Democracy is associated with which of these characteristics?

voting rights extended to all adult, white males

During the Jacksonian era more white males gained the right to vote than ever before.?


During the Jacksonian era more white males gained the right to vote than ever before plus?


What was Jacksonian Democracy based on?

white man sufferage

Jacksonian democracy had its roots in the?

Jacksonian democracy had its roots in the early 19th-century political climate of growing populism and expanding suffrage. It was characterized by a commitment to expanding political participation for all white men and an emphasis on individual rights and limited government. Jacksonian democracy also sought to challenge the power of the political elite and create a more egalitarian society.

To what extent was the universal white manhood suffrage achieved in the jacksonian democracy?

Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson's ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the "common man" to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states' rights advocates. property requirements for voting had been eliminated

What is the main idea behind Jacksonian democract?

While Jefferson considered himself as part of the “natural aristocrats, Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson’s ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the “common man” to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states’ rights advocates.

What was not part of the effort undertaken by civil rights leaders to expand the political power of minorities?

Helping African Americans relocate to areas with a white majorityr

Who benefited from Jacksonian Democracy?

White males of European descent were the main people who benefited from Jacksonian Democracy, as voting rights improved. Owning property was no longer a requirement - the man only had to be free. This was a period during which there was more political participation by the citizens of the US as well as loyalty to one party or another. It extended from about 1828 -1854. This was a forerunner to the current Democratic Party, and Andrew Jackson believed in ending government monopoly by elites. The Executive Branch of government became more powerful during that time. Election of judges, Manifest Destiny and avoidance of battles over slavery were part of the effects.

How Andrew Jackson's personal temperament and political philosophy manifested themselves during his presidency?

While Jefferson considered himself as part of the “natural aristocrats, Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson’s ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the “common man” to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states’ rights advocates.

How didJackson contributed to the political culture?

While Jefferson considered himself as part of the “natural aristocrats, Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson’s ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics as a means of employment. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the “common man” to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states’ rights advocates.