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When the rivers in mesopitamia flooded they left behing a thick layer of silt which lwft the land fertile and very suitable to farm -9th grade global student

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Q: How did the rivers help the people from Mesopotamia develop farming?
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What is the farming area of rich land along rivers in Mesopotamia?

The farming area of rich land along rivers in Mesopotamia is called the Fertile Crescent. It is located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

What were the most common ways people lived in ancient Mesopotamia?

'Mesopotamia' is in origin a Greek name (mesos `middle' and 'potamos' - 'river' so `land between the rivers'). The most common ways, people lived in Mesopotamia is farming. The others maybe a fishermen since Mesopotamia is a land between rivers.

What resources made mesopotami a good place for farming to develop?

Mesopotamia was a good place for farming to develop due to its fertile soil, brought by annual flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Additionally, the region had access to irrigation techniques, abundant water supply, and a favorable climate for agriculture. The domestication of crops and animals also played a key role in the development of farming in Mesopotamia.

What physical features enabled Mesopotamia to develop?

Tighs and Euphrates rivers

What were the two rivers that you the key for farming in Mesopotamia or modern day Iraq?

They are the Tigris and the Euphrates.

How did early people in mesopotamia make farming successful?

They made farming successful by building ditches and that would bring the water from the rivers to the village

What best contrasts the role that geography played in the development of civilizations in China and in Mesoamerica?

Answer this question… China's Yellow River valley was fertile and ideal for farming; the slow and swamplike rivers in Mesoamerica caused people to rely more on rainwater for farming

Farming area of rich land along rivers in mesopotamia?

The farming area of rich land along rivers in Mesopotamia is known as the Fertile Crescent. This region was formed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, providing fertile soil for agriculture and allowing for the development of ancient civilizations like Sumer and Babylon. The regular flooding of these rivers deposited nutrient-rich silt, creating optimal conditions for farming.

Why did the ancient civilizations develop in rivers?

Almost all of the ancient civilizations could be found along rivers or at least a good source of water. Water was essential for daily living and farming. The Mesopotamian civilizations were along the Euphrates and Tigres, the Egyptian civilization was along the Nile, while the Syrians had their capitol of Antioch on the Orontes River.

Why did Mesopotamia begin and where did it begin to grow?

The Mesopotamia began growing because it was rich fertile land near the rivers so it was a perfect place for farming.

Why did ancient civilizations develop in Mesopotamia along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?

to protect them from danger

How did the geography of Mesopotamia help civilization develop?

Mesopotamia had big rivers and the land was between them. With water you could make a great empire.