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Duh! The colonists felt that they were still British Citizens & thought that they should've had ALLof the rights of a, well...Citizen. One of those rights were "Representation in Parliament" WHICH they were NOT given even after YEARS of trying!

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Q: How did the slogan no taxation without representation sum up the clonists reasons for protesting British policy?
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What slogan did the coloniests use to show their irritation with the British Parliament?

They used the slogan "No taxation without representation" against the British as they had nobody to represent them in the British Parliament.

Who do you think was right the colonists for the protesting taxation without representation or the British for wanting to recover the money they spend?

The fact is the colonies were British and as far as the government was concerned they had to help pay for the war that was fought to defend the colonies. People like Washington were British officers in the war and the government didn't see it as " taxation without representation ."

What was the colonist's slogan about british taxes?

"No taxation without representation."

Which was the common slogan used by colonists to express anger towards the British taxes?

"No Taxation Without Representation!" was the phrase.

Who spoke out taxation without representation?

The British colonists in America before the War of Independence (no taxation without representation /in the British Parliament/).

How did the slogan no taxation with out representation sum up the colonist reasons for protesting British policy?

The Americans felt that Parliament's laws couldn't touch them because they didn't have actual representation. They had virtual representation, meaning that every Parliament member represented the whole empire.

What the British colonist mean when they stated no taxation without representation?

It is the lack of direct representation in the British parliament.

How did the slogan No taxation with out representation sum up the colonists reasons for protesting British policy?

The Americans felt that Parliament's laws couldn't touch them because they didn't have actual representation. They had virtual representation, meaning that every Parliament member represented the whole empire.

Why were the colonists angry about british taxes?

In a nutshell, they were angry because they had no direct representation in the British Government. Taxation without representation!

When Americans first cried 'no taxation without representation' what they wanted was to be represented in the british parliament?

When the cry of "No taxation without representation" was in 1765

What phrase became important to the colonists during the taxation passed by the British government?

"No taxation without representation"

What was the main reason that the colonists were protesting?

The fundamental reason the colonists revolted was taxation without representation.